Urian The Hirsch Effekt
Album info
Album including Album cover
- 1 Agora 03:35
- 2 Otus 09:38
- 3 2054 07:23
- 4 Urian 07:28
- 5 Stegodon 06:03
- 6 Granica 06:30
- 7 Blud 06:16
- 8 Eristys 05:15
Info for Urian
Disguised as progressive metal, The Hirsch Effekt twist habits again on their sixth long-player. Musically, the new album dives deep into the increasingly intrusive ambivalence of crises and everyday life.
"Urian" is the name given to the uninvited guest whose encounter is usually quite unwelcome.
For just under an hour, it sonically captivates you and cleverly points out all the wonky crap with a sly hug! Urian takes his time, letting us breathe and catch our breath between powerful continuous patter. Hard approaches in front of atmospheric collages - sometimes sensitive-acoustic, with polished vocals and groovy passages - until Urian thrashes you roughly in the side again.
Clearly less conceptual than the 2020 album "Kollaps", it is nevertheless an absolute further development. Lyrical ciphers seem more intimate, references and references are seemingly obvious. Socio-political topics are discussed, for example, with the musicians critically questioning themselves and current developments. In addition to bots, which are nesting in human heads in Insta-comments, destroying democracy, The Hirsch Effekt give a voice to those who don't have one or to those for whom all the good life is still waiting. From this dystopian, but clear understanding of the world and its values, grows a serene hope, thanks to which Urian is allowed to linger for tea.
Urian reflects and looks back: new material has been released in each of the last four years - in addition, The Hirsch Effekt have surfed a concert wave as best they could despite the contaminated years.
They opened the Columbiahalle for Knorkator in Berlin, recently played in front of Our Mirage and left an enthusiastic audience at quite a few club concerts of their multi-part headlining tour.
2021 saw the creation of "Gregær", a high-quality acoustic session.
This was followed by arrangements for piano by Anthony Williams, performed live at many concert openings. 2022 in the luggage the EP "Solitaer" with individual productions, the songs otherwise written in the team. In between, back in the studio, rewiring with companions, roadies and sound engineers and reflecting on the processes in the podcast of the "Deer Radio Show".
"Carrot and stick, ethereally wide melodic arcs and brutal riff-pushing - THE HIRSCH EFFEKT channel the confusion of the present musically more coherently than ever. "Urian" is artcore, alternative prog, modern metal at its best - or whatever else you want to call it - and an album by an extraordinary band that, in its self-contained way, has what it takes to become a classic." (Andreas Schiffmann, musikreviews.de)
The Hirsch Effekt
The Hirsch Effekt
Für The Hirsch Effekt und deren ausschweifende Klanglandschaften stürzt man sich rhetorisch auch gern mal als Schreiberling in überbordende Gefilde, um dem, was dort auf Platte und Bühne vorgestellt wird, irgendwie gerecht zu werden. Damit ist das Ausmaß der musikalischen Leistungsfähigkeit des Trios verständlich. Es ist schwer sie in Schubladen zu pressen. Auch das kann man bei vielen Bands behaupten, aber The Hirsch Effekt sind eine andere Nummer, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Diese Kombo hat schon jetzt Musikgeschichte geschrieben, das kann man mit eindeutiger Kredibilität unterschreiben. Und schon wieder hängt dieses Eifern nach den richtigen Worten in der Luft, um diese Musik zu definieren. Aber muss man das eigentlich?
Kurz gesagt sind The Hirsch Effekt eine Band, die in ihrer Bandgeschichte Alben hervorgebracht haben, die sich ohne Umschweife in die Riege der besten Alben aller Zeiten einreihen. Zwischen Punk, Avantgarde, klassischen Elementen, der gewissen alternativen Note, cleanem Gesang, Geschrei, Hardcore, mal schnell, mal langsam, mal melancholisch und mal wütend bleibt am Ende immer eines stehen: Authentizität. Man wünscht sich, dass mehr Bands ihrem Instinkt auf diese Weise nachgehen würden und nicht mehr versuchen irgendwelchen Trends und Genrekonventionen nachzueifern. Mehr Worte bedarf es eigentlich nicht, denn dass man The Hirsch Effekt gesehen haben muss, ist absolut selbstverständlich.
This album contains no booklet.