Melani: L'empio punito (Live) Raffaele Pe, Raffaela Milanesi, Roberta Invernizzi, Giorgio Celenza, Alberto Allegrezza, Auser Musici & Carlo Ipata
- Alessandro Melani (1639 - 1703): L’empio punito, Act I:
- 1 L’empio punito, Act I: Sinfonia (Live) 02:07
- 2 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 1: Gran tormento que mi par (Live) 00:46
- 3 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 1: Aurette vezzose (Live) 01:21
- 4 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 1: O che pena (Live) 00:34
- 5 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 2: Armenti guerrieri (Live) 01:36
- 6 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 2: O lumi beati (Live) 01:56
- 7 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 2: Alla caccia compagni (Live) 00:26
- 8 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 3: Vaghe frondi (Live) 03:40
- 9 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 4: Si salvi chi può (Live) 00:48
- 10 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 4: Misera, e che rimiro (Live) 03:55
- 11 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 5: Giunt’è più volte (Live) 03:30
- 12 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 5: Ah, barbaro infedele (Live) 00:21
- 13 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 5: Io v’amai e v’adorai (Live) 01:35
- 14 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 5: Assistimi amore (Live) 00:55
- 15 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 5: Non pianger, Atamira (Live) 01:04
- 16 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 5: Piangete occhi, piangete (Live) 04:32
- 17 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 6: Quant’è dolce goder la libertà (Live) 04:03
- 18 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 7: Gradite catene (Live) 02:43
- 19 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 7: Il tuo ben non fa (Live) 01:33
- 20 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 8: Donna gentil (Live) 03:33
- 21 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 8: Non più strali (Live) 00:56
- 22 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 9: Conducetemi a morte (Live) 02:23
- 23 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 10: Al re di Macedonia (Live) 01:34
- 24 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 11: Dimmi, fido Niceste (Live) 00:29
- 25 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 12: O mio bene (Live) 01:30
- 26 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 13: Tormentose faville (Live) 02:48
- 27 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 14: Ridi amor (Live) 05:04
- 28 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 14: Molto bene io ti comprendo (Live) 01:19
- 29 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 15: O mio caro Niceste (Live) 02:07
- 30 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 15: Quanto caro mi sei (Live) 02:17
- 31 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 15: È solo di chi spera (Live) 01:13
- 32 L’empio punito, Act I Scene 15: Sarabanda e corrente (Live) 02:05
- L’empio punito, Act II:
- 33 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 1: Questo appunto mi pare (Live) 01:17
- 34 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 1: Questi ferri, che mi negano (Live) 01:32
- 35 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 2: Occhi miei, che miraste (Live) 01:05
- 36 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 3: Chi pretende in amor (Live) 00:46
- 37 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 4: Crudo amor (Live) 01:55
- 38 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 6: Bella, se pur con amorosi insulti (Live) 01:05
- 39 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 7: Signori, s’io vi guasto (Live) 01:12
- 40 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 7: Lieto pesce (Live) 01:46
- 41 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 8: Ancor cruda tiranna (Live) 01:22
- 42 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 9: Ecco Acrimante (Live) 02:26
- 43 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 9: Se d’amor la cruda sfinge (Live) 05:49
- 44 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 9: Accenti pungenti (Live) 00:50
- 45 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 10: Troppo tardi, o mio ben (Live) 01:33
- 46 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 11: Misero! O ciel, che veggio (Live) 01:59
- 47 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 11: S’un a morte è vicin (Live) 01:21
- 48 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 12: Muora Acrimante (Live) 03:05
- 49 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 12: O finto veleno (Live) 02:18
- 50 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 14: Tormentatemi sempre (Live) 01:45
- 51 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 14: Giunt’è l'ora, Acrimante (Live) 02:09
- 52 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 14: Crudel mi tradisti (Live) 02:32
- 53 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 14: Già più nel petto infermo (Live) 02:16
- 54 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 16: Uccidetemi sospiri (Live) 01:40
- 55 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 17: Buon pro ti faccia (Live) 02:00
- 56 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 18: Eccomi a i piedi tuoi (Live) 01:13
- 57 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 18: Se con la mia signora (Live) 01:53
- 58 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 20: Stelle, voi che in ciel ardete (Live) 02:11
- 59 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 20: Io fuggire? (Live) 01:16
- 60 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 21: O sfortunato Bibi (Live) 01:02
- 61 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 21: Santa poltroneria (Live) 01:46
- 62 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 21: Ohimè, che sento (Live) 02:25
- 63 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 21: Or che sopito giace (Live) 01:19
- 64 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 21: Qual sovrumano volto (Live) 01:49
- 65 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 21: Ai diletti, alle gioie (Live) 00:40
- 66 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 21: Del regno d’Erebo (Live) 01:02
- 67 L’empio punito, Act II Scene 21: Ballo delle furie (Live) 01:28
- L’empio punito, Act III:
- 68 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 1: Se questa vita dura (Live) 01:01
- 69 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 2: O mio Bibi fedele (Live) 07:12
- 70 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 3: Aurette tenebrose (Live) 01:18
- 71 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 4: Alla fonte, al prato ameno (Live) 00:33
- 72 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 5: Già dall’oscura notte (Live) 02:39
- 73 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 6: Temo perigli immensi (Live) 01:37
- 74 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 7: Tidemo, o Dio, che vedo! (Live) 01:34
- 75 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 8: Scioglie Febo il biondo crine (Live) 01:18
- 76 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 9: Udisti, o Cloridoro (Live) 01:05
- 77 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 9: Ma se stral nella faretra (Live) 00:43
- 78 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 10: Il pretender pietà (Live) 01:40
- 79 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 11: All’armi (Live) 01:01
- 80 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 13: Un regio ambasciatore (Live) 02:04
- 81 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 13: Misera, e che farò? (Live) 01:40
- 82 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 13: Ti prepara a morte? (Live) 01:33
- 83 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 14: Chi avesse ritrovato (Live) 01:02
- 84 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 14: Addio Delfa (Live) 01:53
- 85 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 15: Curioso pensier (Live) 00:57
- 86 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 15: S’io son vecchia (Live) 01:30
- 87 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 16: Consigliatemi, pensieri (Live) 00:49
- 88 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 16: Al vascel della mia groppa (Live) 00:48
- 89 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 16: A qual sovrano ingegno (Live) 04:35
- 90 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 16: Sassi, che taciti (Live) 02:56
- 91 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 16: Ballo delle statue (Live) 01:04
- 92 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 17: Misero, ove son io? (Live) 00:50
- 93 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 17: Pene, pianti, e sospiri (Live) 03:00
- 94 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 18: Vogatelo sudditi (Live) 01:15
- 95 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 18: O mia doglia infinita (Live) 03:09
- 96 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 18: Alla vela, alla vela (Live) 00:33
- 97 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 19: Povera vedovella (Live) 01:40
- 98 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 19: Tormenti, che fate? (Live) 01:26
- 99 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 19: Sol di veder m’afflisse (Live) 01:11
- 100 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 19: La ricchezza altrui riesce (Live) 01:44
- 101 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 20: Impietosita, o bella (Live) 01:33
- 102 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 20: Si stringa pur (Live) 00:49
- 103 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 20: Alle gioie mio core (Live) 00:20
- 104 L’empio punito, Act III Scene 20: Così punisce il Ciel (Live) 00:27
Info for Melani: L'empio punito (Live)
The legendary figure of the libertine Don Juan had been straddling European theatre and opera stages for well over a century before Mozart got into the act with his matchless Don Giovanni. Back in 1669, Alessandro Melani became the first composer to create a dramma per musica out of tales of this witty and licentious character, using a libretto provided by a pair of Roman poets in Filippo Acciaiuoli and Giovanni Filippo Apolloni from their adaption of the celebrated Spanish tragic drama, El burlador de Sevilla by Tirso de Molina. Acciauoli and Apolloni transposed the events of Seville into a mythical landscape and called Don Giovanni Acrimante and his servant Leporello Bibi. But they did not change the original plot.
This world premiere recording of Melani's L'empiopunito was captured live during the representations that took place at the Teatro Verdi in Pisa, with an outstanding vocal cast that includes Raffaele Pe in the main role (Acrimante), Raffaelle Milanesi (Atamira), Roberta Invernizzi (Ipomene), Giorgio Celenza (Bibi) and Alberto Allegrezza (Delfa). The instrumental support is provided by the fine orchestra Auser Musici conducted by a Carlo Ipata.
Raffaele Pe, counter-tenor (Acrimante)
Raffaela Milanesi, soprano (Atamira)
Roberta Invernizzi, soprano (Ipomene)
Giorgio Celenza, baritone (Bibi)
Alberto Allegrezza, tenor (Delfa)
Auser Musici
Carlo Ipata, Dirigent
Auser Musici
The ancient river of Pisa, Auser, and therefore Tuscany, are ideally the starting point of the route undertaken by Auser Musici, who since 1997 enthusiastically explores the musical mosaic that was the Europe of the Sixteenth and the Seventeenth centuries.
Under the conduction of Carlo Ipata, AM has created a long series of precious unpublished Opera’s works including Antonio Cesti’s The Disgrazie d’Amore or Francesco Gasparini’s Il Bajazet.
With variables staff, from chamber music to orchestra, and always under the conduction of Carlo Ipata, AM has restored the “Italian” role of the traversiere with the recordings of the sonata op. II by F. Barsanti, the concerts by Pietro Nardini, the quintetti op. 19 by Luigi Boccherini and above all with two volumes of Neapolitan Concerts by authors such as Jommelli, De Majo and Perez (Gramophone editor’s choice).
In 2017 AM celebrated its 20 years with the production of the Catone by Haendel, and with two great productions: Didone Abandonata by Leonardo Vinci (with the Opera di Firenze – Maggio Musicale Fiorentino) and Il Girello by Jacopo Melani, during Pistoia Capital of Culture and with the extraordinary staging of the Fratelli Colla’s.puppets.
Distinguishing itself thanks to the the programs which are always performed with interpretive accuracy, AM has repeatedly played at the major international festivals such as St. Michel en Thierache, Froville, Haendel Festspiele Halle, Berliner Musikinstrumenten Museum, Berliner Tage für Alte Musik, Midis Minimes in Bruxelles, Zagreb Baroque Festival, Felicia Blumental in Tel Aviv, International Early Music Festival in San Petersburg, Stockolm Early Music Festival, Tropical Baroque Music Festival in Miami.
In Italy AM is regularly invited in important festivals: Ass. Scarlatti and Cappella della Pietà dei Turchini in Naples, Amici della Musica in Florence, Sagra Musicale Umbra, Fondazione Palazzetto Bru-Zane in Venice, Associazione Antonio il Verso in Palermo, Opera Barga, Festival Grandezze e Meraviglie in Modena, to name just a few.
AM recordings and concerts are broadcast by most important European radio stations such as Radio France, BBC, Radio Classica, WDR Radio and by Italian radio stations such as Radio 3, Radio Vaticana, Radio Classica.
AM has recorded for the English label Hyperion and is currently recording exclusive for the Spanish label Glossa, obtaining unanimous recognitions from the international press (Concerto Magazine, Fanfare, Repertoire, Goldberg, International Recording Review, The Guardian, Le Monde de la Musique).
Auser Musici benefits from the support of the Fondazione Pisa and is in residence at the Teatro di Pisa.
Carlo Ipata
Ipata’s musical career has been characterized since the beginning by a passion for early music as an inexhaustible source of knowledge of the history and the aesthetics that today are still distinguishing our culture.
With the Auser Musici components, who have been chosen among the best Italian and European musicians, he explored the enormous unpublished theatrical and instrumental repertoire of the Renaissance and Baroque period, basing his choices on historically informed principles.
With Auser Musici he directed the first modern performances of Operas such as Le disgrazie d’Amore bu Antonio Cesti, Il Bajazet by Francesco Gasparini, Catone by Georg Friedrick Haendel, Il Girello by Antonio Melani.
He has also directed the Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino in Didone abbandonata by Leonardo Vinci and the Orchestra Arché in Il convitato di pietra by Giacomo Tritto.
As a soloist he has received the Gramophone’s Editor’s Choice for the first volume of Neapolitan Flute Concertos (Hyperion).
Booklet for Melani: L'empio punito (Live)