Sebastián Durón: Coronis Le Poème Harmonique & Vincent Dumestre
Album Info
Album Veröffentlichung:
Label: Alpha Classics
Genre: Classical
Subgenre: Vocal
Interpret: Le Poème Harmonique & Vincent Dumestre
Komponist: Juan Bautista Cabanilles (1644-1712), Sebastián Durón (1660-1716)
Das Album enthält Albumcover Booklet (PDF)
- Juan Bautista Cabanilles (1644 - 1712): Corrente Italiana:
- 1 Cabanilles: Corrente Italiana 03:42
- Sebastián Durón (1660 - 1716): Coronis, Jornada primera:
- 2 Durón: Coronis, Jornada primera: No. 1, Al monte, a la selva 00:27
- 3 Durón: Coronis, Jornada primera: No. 2, Dioses, piedad 01:18
- 4 Durón: Coronis, Jornada primera: No. 3, Con venatorias voces la maleza 01:02
- 5 Durón: Coronis, Jornada primera: No. 4, Pero qué horrible son 01:02
- 6 Durón: Coronis, Jornada primera: No. 5, Cielos, que airados 02:44
- 7 Durón: Coronis, Jornada primera: No. 6, A Donde, fugitivo iman de mis deseos 01:23
- 8 Durón: Coronis, Jornada primera: No. 7, Suelta, homicida 02:03
- 9 Durón: Coronis, Jornada primera: No. 8, Gran valor de mujer 02:12
- 10 Durón: Coronis, Jornada primera: No. 9, No prosigas, si no quieres 02:10
- 11 Durón: Coronis, Jornada primera: No. 10, Dioses, Piedad 04:21
- 12 Durón: Coronis, Jornada primera: No. 11, Al ver que de mi horror 01:32
- 13 Durón: Coronis, Jornada primera: No. 12, Venid monteros, venid zagales 01:16
- 14 Durón: Coronis, Jornada primera: No. 13, Que dolor, que pesar 01:06
- 15 Durón: Coronis, Jornada primera: No. 14, Que fiero horror 03:54
- 16 Durón: Coronis, Jornada primera: No. 15, Ah de misero albergo 01:51
- 17 Durón: Coronis, Jornada primera: No. 16, Vuestro llanto humilde pretendare 01:42
- 18 Durón: Coronis, Jornada primera: No. 17, Muera el sol 02:22
- 19 Durón: Coronis, Jornada primera: No. 18, Al arma rigores 02:41
- 20 Durón: Coronis, Jornada primera: No. 19, Qué desdicha 01:53
- 21 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 1, Passacalle, Jácara 04:11
- 22 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 2, Al dios de los mares 00:57
- 23 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 3, Misera Tracia 01:04
- 24 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 4, Encienda la llama 01:21
- 25 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 5, Coronis, Jornada segunda infelice 01:14
- 26 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 6, Llore de Tracia en mi desgracia 04:38
- 27 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 7, Ni las plantas, ni las fuentes 02:41
- 28 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 8, Porque vean los que aleves 01:24
- 29 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 9, Llore y sienta 03:54
- 30 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 10, No temáis, no lloréis 02:35
- 31 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 11, Decidme, plantas 03:12
- 32 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 12, Favor, dioses, Piedad, cielos 02:41
- 33 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 13, Aunque los dioses, los incendios 01:53
- 34 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 14, No he de escuchar 02:52
- 35 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 15, Yo muero, ¿qué es esto? 02:28
- 36 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 16, De fiera gazapera hemos librado 01:58
- 37 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 17, Qué simplón, que insolente 02:16
- 38 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 18, Menandro, ¿sabes qué voy temiendo? 01:49
- 39 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 19, No, señor, porque Tritón 01:17
- 40 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 20, Ya, sacros cielos 03:19
- 41 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 21, Yo en venganza 00:14
- 42 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 22, Es, espumas, a lidar 02:01
- 43 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 23, Atented, parad 01:49
- 44 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 24, Ya, inmortales dioses 01:00
- 45 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 25, Premie mi amor 02:11
- 46 Durón: Coronis, Jornada segunda: No. 26, Viendome despreciado 03:03
Info zu Sebastián Durón: Coronis
Diese Einspielung bietet Gelegenheit, einen vergessenen barocken Opernschatz zu entdecken: Lange wurde die Zarzuela Coronis Antonio Literes zugeschrieben, bevor Sebastián Durón als der eigentliche Komponist identifiziert wurde. Die Zarzuela war die wichtigste musikdramatische Gattung des spanischen Barock. Üppige Chöre, ergreifende Arien und Volksmusik verschmelzen hier zu einem reichen Bühnenzauber. Hervorragende Solisten und das formidable Ensemble Le Poème Harmonique unter Vincent Dumestre bereiten dem Freund barocker Opernpracht ein besonderes Hörvergnügen.
Le Poème Harmonique
Vincent Dumestre, Dirigent
Le Poeme Harmonique
Since 1998, the Poème Harmonique has brought together, around its founder Vincent Dumestre, passionate musicians devoted to the interpretation of 17th and 18th century music. The ensemble’s inventive and demanding programmes are a testament to its enlightened approach to baroque repertoires and to its in-depth work on vocal and instrumental textures.
His field of action? Well-known and little-known works from the daily life and ceremonies of Versailles (Lalande, Lully, Couperin, Clérambault, Charpentier…), Baroque Italy from Monteverdi and Pergolesi, or the England of Purcell. Inventive and demanding programmes that forge new links between the secular and the sacred, learned music and popular sources, but that also combine music with theatre, dance and the circus. In opera, the ensemble is recognised as a world benchmark for its interpretations of works by Lully, Cavalli and Monteverdi, and its collaboration with director Benjamin Lazar has produced shows that have been unanimously acclaimed by critics and audiences alike.
Le Poème Harmonique never ceases to surprise audiences by revealing forgotten treasures (in autumn 2024 L’Homme-Femme, an irresistible comedy of the genre by Galuppi, directed by Agnès Jaoui – Opéra de Dijon, Théâtre de Caen and Opéra royal de Versailles ), by offering a new approach to the greatest masterpieces (Il Nerone or L’Incoronazione di Poppea with the Académie de l’Opéra National de Paris), or by integrating processions and striking spatial effects into the concerts.
With some sixty performances given each year, Le Poème Harmonique is a familiar name at the world’s greatest festivals and concert halls – Opéra-Comique, Opéra Royal of Versailles, Philharmonie de Paris, Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, Festivals of Ambronay, Beaune and Sablé, Teatro Real (Madrid), Wigmore Hall (London), NCPA (Beijing), Philharmonie of Berlin, Wiener Konzerthaus, Concertgebouw (Bruges), BOZAR (Brussels), Oji Hall (Tokyo), Columbia University (New York), Teatro San Carlo (Naples), Accademia Santa Cecilia (Rome), Philharmonie de Saint-Pierre (Paris), and the BBC Proms…. Le Poème Harmonique remains deeply committed to Normandy, its home region, the cradle of its many creations and the ideal setting for its educational and social initiatives and its work to integrate young professional musicians.
The ensemble’s discography now boasts some fifty works that have won regular critical acclaim, as well as numerous public successes. Mon Amant de Saint-Jean, a singing tour from the Baroque to the Roaring Twenties with Stéphanie d’Oustrac, has just been released by Alpha Classics. After the world premiere of Cavalli’s L’Egisto, already awarded a Choc by Classica and the prestigious Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik, Château de Versailles Spectacles is publishing Lully’s Armide in spring 2024. In 2024, the ensemble records two masterpieces of choral music: Purcell’s Hail! Bright Cecila by Purcell and La Selva Morale e Spirituale by Monteverdi.
Following the remarkable success of the 2017 edition, for which he was responsible for programming, Vincent Dumestre has been invited by the city of Krakow to take over artistic direction of the Misteria Paschalia festival in 2024, a world reference for Baroque music during the Easter season.
Vincent Dumestre
His strong taste for the arts, his creative sense of Baroque aesthetics, his explorer’s flame and his taste for collective adventure naturally led him to explore the repertoires of the 17th and 18th centuries and to create a tailor-made ensemble. With his Poème Harmonique, Vincent Dumestre is now one of the most inventive and versatile architects of the Baroque revival, directing orchestras, choirs, musical seasons, competitions and festivals, without abandoning the practice of his first instruments, the plucked strings.
Literally a child of May 1968, Vincent Dumestre made his first steps in concert with others, recording with pioneers then working to discover, understand and revive this music from another age. A graduate of the École du Louvre, where he studied art history, and after attending the École normale de musique de Paris as a student of the classical guitar, he learned to play the lute, the Baroque guitar and the theorbo with Hopkinson Smith, Eugène Ferré and Rolf Lislevand. He joined the Ricercar Consort, La Grande Écurie & La Chambre du Roy, Hespèrion XX and La Simphonie du Marais before creating Le Poème Harmonique in 1998.
From exhumations to reconstructions, from well-known composers to unexpected programmes, he never ceases to offer genuine creations that open up the horizons of a whole range of vocal and instrumental music. While he and Le Poème Harmonique are in demand at all the major international venues for baroque music, Vincent Dumestre is also developing part of his activity in Normandy, his ensemble’s home region (programming of the Saisons Baroques at the Chapelle Corneille, direction of the Corneille Competition, International Baroque Singing Competition, l’École Harmonique, school children’s orchestra in partnership with the Démos project of the Philharmonie de Paris).
Some forty recordings, both CDs and DVDs, released on the Alpha Classics label, where he was an artist from the outset, and on the Château de Versailles Spectacles label, bear witness to his fruitful collaboration with Le Poème Harmonique in the fields of both learned and popular music.
Vincent Dumestre is artistic director of the Saisons baroques du Jura. In 2024, Vincent Dumestre was invited by the city of Krakow to take on the artistic direction of Misteria Paschalia.
Vincent Dumestre is an Officer of the French National Order of Arts and Letters and of the French National Order of Merit.
Booklet für Sebastián Durón: Coronis