Las idas y las vueltas: Spanish Baroque Meets Flamenco Academia del Piacere

Album Info

Album Veröffentlichung:


Label: Glossa

Genre: Classical

Subgenre: Chamber Music

Interpret: Academia del Piacere

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Formate & Preise

Format Preis Im Warenkorb Kaufen
FLAC 48 $ 13,50
  • Traditional:
  • 1 Tona 01:29
  • Anonymous:
  • 2 La Spagna 03:11
  • Luys de Narváez (1490 - 1547), Traditional:
  • 3 Romance del Rey Moro & Granaína 04:17
  • Anonymous:
  • 4 Las Morillas de Jaén (Cancionero de Palacio) 03:47
  • Traditional:
  • 5 Jaleos 03:54
  • Traditional:
  • 6 Vidalita 07:01
  • Anonymous:
  • 7 Folias 05:35
  • Traditional:
  • 8 Siguiriya 05:22
  • Anonymous:
  • 9 No hay que decirle el primor 05:30
  • Traditional, Juan Garcia de Zespedes (1619 - 1678):
  • 10 Ay, que me abraso! (guaracha and guajira) 05:58
  • Traditional:
  • 11 Pasacalle 04:25
  • Traditional, Juan Garcia de Zespedes:
  • 12 Ay, que me abraso! 07:37
  • Total Runtime 58:06

Info zu Las idas y las vueltas: Spanish Baroque Meets Flamenco

Mit der Glossa-Edition des Albums Las idas y las vueltas kommt der frische Wind, der in der Alten- Musik-Szene in Spanien weht, ebenso deutlich zum Ausdruck wie in den vorangegangenen Aufnahmen des Gambisten Fahmi Alqhai (zuletzt erschienen die CDs A piacere und Rediscovering Spain). Auf Las idas y las vueltas bringen die Ausführenden ihre Kunstfertigkeit geradezu überbordend zum Ausdruck. Die Aufnahme ist aber auch ein Beleg für die Wechselwirkungen zwischen der spanischen Barockmusik und dem Flamenco.

Durch die spanische Kolonisierung vermischten sich europäische, südamerikanische und afrikanische Einflüsse: Melodien, Farben und Rhythmen verbanden sich wie in einem Schmelztiegel. Auf Las idas y las vueltas ist ein stetes Kommen und Gehen dieser Einflüsse zu beobachten: jácaras und guarachas, folías, Las morillas de Jaén und La Spagna, bulerías und jaleos – sie alle werden durch den cantaor Arcángel, den Flamencogitarristen Miguel Ángel Cortés, die Barockmusiker von Alqhais Accademia del Piacere und die Sängerin Mariví Blasco zu neuem musikalischem Leben erweckt.

Auf dieser Neuerscheinung sind zwei bisher unveröffentlichte Bonus-Tracks zu hören, die jeweils live mitgeschnitten wurden: eine pasacalle und eine neue Version von ¡Ay, que me abraso! Fahmi Alqhai und sein Team haben das gesamte Album in ihrem Studio in Sevilla neu abgemischt.

Accademia del Piacere
Fahmi Alqhai, viola da gamba & direction
Arcángel, cantaor
Mariví Blasco, soprano
Miguel Ángel Cortés, flamenco guitar
Rami Alqhai, viola da gamba
Johanna Rose, viola da gamba
Juan Ramón Lara, violone
Vicente Parrilla, recorders
Enrike Solinís, baroque guitar, theorbo & archlute
Pedro Estevan, percussion
Agustín Diassera, flamenco percussion
David “Chupete”, castanets
Joaquín Rodero, oud

Academia del Piacere
The uniqueness of its innovative projects, the technical ability of its musicians and the strong personality of its artistic director have made of Accademia del Piacere a vanguard group in Spanish early music and one of the leading ensembles of this kind in Europe. Accademia is especially appreciated for the group’s fascinating and direct communication to its audience, and its conception of historical music as being alive and full of emotions, an idea conveyed by the group’s musicians to their spectator from the heart.

Accademia del Piacere has revealed its various facets in fundamental repertoires of historical music, such as the Italian Seicento (in Le Lacrime di Eros, 2009 Prelude Classical Music Award, and Amori di Marte, centered on Monteverdi’s Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda, 2011 “Disco Excepcional Scherzo” and Tipp CD in Toccata Magazine, Germany), as well as French chamber music in the court of Louis XIV in Les violes du Ciel et de l’Enfer (nominated for the 2011 International Classical Music Awards).

In 2011, Accademia del Piacere moved the world of historical music, presenting Las Idas y las Vueltas, an incursion into the world of flamenco and it’s relationship with baroque music, in collaboration with flamenco vocalist Arcángel (Giraldillo prize for Best Music at the 2012 Seville Flamenco Biennale).

Equally brave is Accademia del Piacere’s following recorded project, which revives the passionate world of improvisation in Spain in the 1600s—Rediscovering Spain (2013), Choc de Classica in France and Tipp Toccata in Germany—in which once again Alqhai and Accademia del Piacere risk and offer new glosas to today’s listeners.

National and European-level recognition has developed Accademia del Piacere’s presence on the most prestigious classical music stages in Europe and world-wide. Among those visited recently are the Berlin Konzerthaus, Colonia Philhamonie, Auditorio Nacional de Madrid, Mexico’s International Cervantino Festival, Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, Konzerthaus of Vienna and the Early Music Festival in Bruges, as well as numerous festivals in the Netherlands, Japan, USA, Germany, Belgium, Swizerland, Colombia, Spain… Accademia del Piacere’s concerts are regularly transmitted live by the European Broadcasting Union from it’s associated broadcasters, such as RNE (Spanish National Radio), German NDR, Radio della Svizzera italiana or Czech Radio, and has furthermore been presented on various television broadcasts.

Fahmi Alqhai
is considered one of the most brilliant and prestigious young players of the Viola da Gamba in the world today, as well as one of the most recognised interpreters of early music, for his personal and communicative approach to historical repertories.

Born in Seville, Spain, in 1976 to a Syrian father and Palestinian mother, he spends the first eleven years of his life in Syria, where he starts to study music at a very young age. Later he studies—self-taught—in Spain until he enters the Manuel Castillo Conservatoire in Seville in 1994 to study the Viola da Gamba with Ventura Rico. He furthers his studies in the prestigious Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (Basel, Switzerland) with Paolo Pandolfo and in the Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana (Lugano, Switzerland) with Vittorio Ghielmi. Over the course of his musical studies, Fahmi Alqhai also obtains his degree in Dentistry from the University of Seville.

In 1998, he begins his career as a soloist specializing in the German repertoire for viola da gamba. He receives great reception from the public and critics for his versions of the Bach Sonatas for viola da gamba and harpsichord, which he records with harpsichordist Alberto Martinez Molina for the Spanish label Arsis in 2004.

In 2002 he founds Accademia del Piacere with soprano Mariví Blasco, ensemble of which he is the director. He is also founder, together with his brother Rami Alqhai, of the record label ALQHAI & ALQHAI, with which he produced and recorded four CDs –two dedicated to the Italian Seicento (Le Lacrime di Eros, winner of the 2009 Prelude Classical Music prize, and Amori di Marte) and a third to Marin Marais and Antoine Forqueray’s music for viola da gamba (nominated for the International Classical Music Awards 2011). In 2012 Fahmi Alqhai wins the Giraldillo prize awarded to Best Music at the 2012 Sevilla Flamenco Biennal, for the music of his fourth CD Las idas y las vueltas, together with flamenco vocalist Arcángel. In 2014 he records for Glossa his first CD for solo viol, A piacere, whose innovative conception of the instrument is warmly welcome in Spain, Germany and throughout Europe. For the British magazine Gramophone it’s an “extraordinary” CD in which “he brings the instrument into a new realm of joyful potential”, and “a merry tribute to all [the viola da gamba] could have been, and still can be”.

From a young age he is invited to work with the most internationally-renowned early music ensembles. He is a regular member of numerous recognised groups such as Hesperion XXI (Jordi Savall) and Il Suonar Parlante (Vittorio Ghielmi). He is also a founding member of More Hispano (dir. Vicente Parrilla). With these ensembles Fahmi Alqhai regularly offers concerts in Europe, Japan, the United States and South America’s best concert halls. He has conducted his ensemble, Accademia del Piacere, in places such as Wiener Konzerthaus (Austria), Berliner Konzerthaus, Philharmonie of Cologne (Germany), Gulbenkian Foundation of Lisbon (Portugal), Parco della Musica of Rome (Italy), Auditorio Nacional of Madrid (Spain), Festival Internacional Cervantino of Guanajuato (Mexico) and many others.

As a soloist, Fahmi Alqhai has performed with important orchestras such as the National Orchestra of Spain, the Philharmonic Orchestra of Galicia, Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne (Michael Corboz), Orquesta Barroca de Sevilla, and Al Ayre Español, among others. He has also made his entrance in the fields of contemporary music, as well as jazz, with artists such as Uri Caine.

Fahmi Alqhai has also made numerous recordings for record labels such as Alia Vox, Glossa, Winter&Winter, Tactus, Arsis and Enchiriadis, as well as for television and radio in Europe, Asia and America.

Since 2009, he is artistic director of the Early Music Festival of Seville (FeMAS), Spain’s oldest and most important early music festival.

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