Resonating Earth Carolyn Enger

Cover Resonating Earth

Album Info

Album Veröffentlichung:


Label: Métier

Genre: Classical

Subgenre: Instrumental

Interpret: Carolyn Enger

Komponist: Meredith Monk (1943), Marcos Balter (1974), Nico Muhly (1981), Wolfgang Rihm (1952-2024), John Cage (1912-1992), Missy Mazzoli (1980), John Luther Adams (1953), Philip Glass (1937), Iman Habibi (1985), Caroline Shaw (1982), Sean Hickey (1970)

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  • Meredith Monk (b. 1942): Quarry Waltz:
  • 1Monk: Quarry Waltz01:58
  • Marcos Balter (b. 1974): I.v.:
  • 2Balter: I.v.02:42
  • Nico Muhly (b. 1981): Warner Classics:
  • 3Muhly: LILT03:43
  • Wolfgang Rihm (b. 1952): Auf einem anderen Blatt:
  • 4Rihm: Auf einem anderen Blatt04:34
  • Missy Mazzoli (b. 1980): Orizzonte:
  • 5Mazzoli: Orizzonte05:24
  • John Cage (1912 - 1992): Atlantic Records:
  • 6Cage: In a Landscape08:43
  • John Luther Adams (b. 1953): Nunataks:
  • 7Adams: Nunataks07:34
  • Philip Glass (b. 1937): Étude No. 2:
  • 8Glass: Étude No. 207:50
  • Iman Habibi (b. 1985): in the brittle quietude:
  • 9Habibi: in the brittle quietude03:10
  • Caroline Shaw (b. 1982): Gustav le Gray:
  • 10Shaw: Gustav le Gray12:33
  • Sean Hickey: The Birds of Barclay Street:
  • 11Hickey: The Birds of Barclay Street03:00
  • John Cage: Dream:
  • 12Cage: Dream08:34
  • Sean Hickey: Reckoning:
  • 13Hickey: Reckoning02:57
  • Meredith Monk: Ellis Island:
  • 14Monk: Ellis Island03:21
  • Total Runtime01:16:03

Info zu Resonating Earth

Resonating Earth ist aus Engers tiefer Verbundenheit mit der Natur und ihrem Engagement für den Umweltschutz entstanden. Enger lebt in einem Holzhaus außerhalb von Manhattan und lässt sich von den natürlichen Schwingungen ihres Steinway-Klaviers, ihren persönlichen Yoga- und Meditationspraktiken und ihrer tiefen Liebe zum Planeten inspirieren. Dieses Album, das aus diesen Inspirationen entstanden ist, bietet eine klangliche Umgebung, die zur Kontemplation und Offenheit einlädt, und enthält eine vielfältige Sammlung von Kompositionen, die mehrere Generationen und Denkschulen umfassen. Das Album beginnt und endet mit Werken von Meredith Monk, deren Stücke Quarry Waltz und Ellis Island das Programm mit Themen des Totalitarismus und des Versprechens der Freiheit umrahmen. Dazwischen finden sich Kompositionen von Marcos Balter, Nico Muhly, Wolfgang Rihm, Missy Mazzoli, John Cage, John Luther Adams, Philip Glass, Iman Habibi, Caroline Shaw und Sean Hickey - jeder bringt einzigartige Perspektiven und emotionale Tiefe in das Projekt ein.

Carolyn Enger, Klavier

Carolyn Enger
Internationally celebrated American pianist Carolyn Enger has gained critical acclaim for her exquisite lyrical playing and her deeply felt interpretations. In addition to an active performance schedule on two continents, Ms. Enger has enjoyed remarkable success as a recording artist: The New York Times selected her Naxos recording of intimate Ned Rorem miniatures, Piano Album I & Six Friends, as one of the newspaper’s “Best In Classical Recordings”, writing “Among the 90th birthday tributes this year to the essential American composer Ned Rorem, this recording especially stands out,” while Gramophone declared, “Enger raises the miniatures to a higher level.” Recently the recording was “Album of the Week” on Sirius XM’s Symphony Hall and was featured on their program Living American. Her latest recording Resonating Earth is set to be released in September 2024.

Ms. Enger’s touring opportunities have included venues throughout the United States and beyond, including the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York, the Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany, United States Military Academy West Point, the Sheen Center for Thought & Culture, Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts, The National Gallery of Art in D.C., the National Gallery in Oslo, and the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in NYC. Deepening her commitment to multimedia collaborations, Ms. Enger was part of renowned illustrator and writer Maira Kalman’s exhibit Maira Kalman Selects at the Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum in New York, and her recording of Arvo Pärt’s music was featured in conceptual artist Mischa Kuball’s sound and light exhibit res.o.nant at the Jewish Museum Berlin.

Recent highlights include the publication of her article, The Mischlinge Exposé: Stories of Assimilation and Conversion, in the book, Women Defying Hitler: Rescue and Resistance Under the Nazis, published by Bloomsbury Academic; concerts at Baruch College, Kean University, Noontime Concerts in San Francisco, Boston Public Library, the National Gallery in Oslo, the White Stork Synagogue in Wrocław, Poland; the Bach–Festival in Arnstadt, Germany; the Portuguese Synagogue’s Candlelight Concert series in Amsterdam; concerts in Erfurt, Potsdam, and Gotha, Germany; and recitals in the greater New York area.

Ms. Enger is dedicated to bringing music to diverse audiences in accessible civic spaces. One of her performances at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center is featured in Frederick Wiseman’s acclaimed documentary Ex Libris, which premiered on PBS. This past winter Carolyn enjoyed her residency, showcasing her immersive film/sound project Resonating Earth, with Musica Sierra and the public school children in the Sierra Valley. One presenter shared that her performance left audiences “in complete awe of her passion, skill and genuine warmth.”

Ms. Enger studied at the Manhattan School of Music and is a Steinway Artist.

Booklet für Resonating Earth

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