Ninety Nine The Angels

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  • 1Ninety Nine (Go For Broke)02:46
  • 2Blue Winter02:59
  • 3Heartbeats03:39
  • 4Follow The Red Thread03:40
  • 5Minor Truth (Long Live The Queen)03:21
  • 6Heart To Heart07:08
  • 7Into The Void04:25
  • 8Under the Stone04:18
  • 9Style Over Substance02:33
  • 10Little Lies04:41
  • 11Escape03:46
  • 12Leaders of Men02:45
  • 13Hue And Cry03:47
  • Total Runtime49:48

Info zu Ninety Nine

Ninety Nine - das erste Studioalbum von The Angels seit 10 Jahren - fällt mit ihrer 50 Not Out Tour zusammen, mit der die Band ihr 50-jähriges Jubiläum feiert. In dem Buch The 100 Best Australian Albums heißt es: "The Angels können für sich in Anspruch nehmen, Australiens langlebigste Band zu sein.

Die meisten Bands würden einen bedeutenden Meilenstein mit einer Siegesrunde feiern und sich mit dem Ruhm der Vergangenheit begnügen. Nicht aber die Angels. Als sie darüber nachdachten, wie sie ihren 50. Geburtstag feiern sollten, beschlossen sie: "Warum gehen wir nicht einfach aufs Ganze?"

Ninety Nine ist ein klassisches Angels-Album, vom faszinierenden Titel bis hin zum Cover-Artwork, das Rick Brewsters Vorliebe für das Sammeln alter Telefonzellen zeigt. Und dann sind da noch die Songs, die voller Geheimnisse und Bedrohungen stecken und Riffs, die Rockfans auf der ganzen Welt ansprechen.

The Angels
Rick Brewster, Leadgitarre, Hintergrundgesang, Orgel, Klavier
John Brewster, Rhythmusgitarre, Hintergrundgesang, Mundharmonika, Bass
Nick Norton, Leadgesang, Schlagzeug, Hintergrundgesang
Sam Brewster, Bass
Tom Brewster, Schlagzeug

The Angels
Formed in Adelaide in 1974 by Doc Neeson and brothers Rick and John Brewster, The Angels have filled venues around Australia for decades. Their high energy pub rock and best-selling albums paved the way for their induction into the ARIA Hall of Fame in 1998. They still headline music festivals across Australia today.

That’s one version of the band’s story. If you want to delve beneath the headlines, The Angels tells a very different story.

This is largely the Brewster brothers story of The Angels, though it includes quotes from many band members as well. It wasn’t surprising the Brewster brothers would find careers in music. Their grandfather, Hooper Brewster-Jones, was a composer and pianist. Their father, Arthur was also a musician and one-time ABC Director of Classical Music.

It was in 1970 that Ric Brewster (on washboard) and John Brewster (on banjo) first started performing together, in the Moonshine Jug and String Band. They were joined by guitarist Doc Neeson, fresh from the Army and about to start drama studies at Flinders University.

By 1974, the jug band transformed itself into a rock band, with the Brewster brothers moving to guitar and Neeson to bass and vocals. The following year, they toured Australia as Chuck Berry’s backing band, then supported AC/DC in South Australia. AC/DC helped them get signed to Alberts Productions and work with Harry Vanda and George Young in the studio. It provided a masterclass in songwriting and recording for the band. Though not immediately successful, by 1978 their best-selling second album Face to Face was on the charts and they were supporting David Bowie on his first Australian tour.

The band seemed set to follow AC/DC onto the international stage and to speed things up, left Alberts to sign with Epic. Soon things started to unravel. They had to change their name to Angel City for their American tour to avoid confusion with another band. Their equipment truck was stolen in Chicago. Band members were replaced. After two albums, Angel City were dumped by Epic. They then spent a fortune recording another album for MCA that went nowhere. Sex and drugs were impacting relationships and the demands of creativity and the cost of business weighed heavily on members. The book doesn’t hide from the challenges this created. At one point, there were two totally different bands, each with a legitimate claim to the band’s legacy.

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