Destination: I Don't Know Deco

Album Info

Album Veröffentlichung:


Label: Modern Sky UK

Genre: Pop

Subgenre: Pop Rock

Interpret: Deco

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  • 1Destination: I Don't Know01:10
  • 2Want Me02:59
  • 3Next To You02:41
  • 4Forever03:00
  • 5I Love That Song02:43
  • 6DON'T!02:49
  • 7I Don't Need No Destination00:44
  • 8If I Could Fall In Love02:37
  • 9Do Ya?03:02
  • 10Mind Racing04:04
  • 11Photograph02:58
  • 12HELLO, HELLO02:58
  • 13Temporary03:12
  • 14Atmosphere02:52
  • Total Runtime37:49

Info zu Destination: I Don't Know

Die Popband Deco kündigt ihr Debütalbum „Destination: I Don't Know“, das am 6. September 2024 erscheint. Deco haben sich zu Großbritanniens faszinierendsten viralen Pop-Acts entwickelt, die mit ihren Social-Media-Mashups Millionen von Menschen in ihren Bann ziehen und sich auf diesem Weg einige berühmte Fans erspielt haben. Obwohl das Quintett weit davon entfernt ist, ein reines Online-Projekt zu sein, hat es sich mit diesem beeindruckenden Debütalbum einen Namen in der Live-Szene gemacht. Gegründet von Geschwistern und lebenslangen Freunden, erinnert der versierte Sound von Deco nicht nur an die 80er Jahre, sondern auch an zeitgenössische Synthie-Pop-Bands wie Phoenix & Friendly Fires.


A band originally from Staffordshire have gone viral online after producing an unlikely 80s mashup of a song which has received more than 1.1 million views.

Deco, with members who grew up in Tutbury and Ashbourne, posted a video of the band performing the lyrics of Oasis’ Wonderwall, to the tune of Smalltown Boy by Bronski Beat, in true 80s-style.

The video went viral online, reaching more than 2,500,000 people in 24 hours, being viewed a total of 700,000-plus times.

Frontman Max Kendall, a former Burton de Ferrers student, said: “During the first lockdown, the band were living together and we wrote about 14 songs together in that time. But now, we’re all living in separate households, so it’s been more difficult to create music.

“We were all bored one Sunday and had been planning to do some Tik Tok covers, having already done an 80s Sea Shanty the week before. We chose Wonderwall and Smalltown Boy, and within a few hours it was going crazy on Twitter.

“We had all filmed our own parts and edited them together, and it was getting lots of organic traction, and our followers have skyrocketed!”

They released their EP ‘Real Life’ in 2020, as well as seven singles the previous year. Deco are planning to release the Wonderwall x Smalltown Boy mashup as an official single, followed by some new original material, which they were working on throughout the pandemic.

Max added: “It’s been a really cool experience, and it was surreal for a lot of friends and family to see me on the news, as I haven’t seen much in the past 12 months.

“we love writing pop songs and the positivity it brings to people when they listen to it and come to our shows. We’re all about making people feel good”. (Max Kendall) This new pop single looks set to change the direction of the band as they roll back the years with inspiration from Eighties legends Duran Duran and the late George Michael which shows substantial progression for Deco.

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