Staffan Storm - Choral Works Erik Westberg Vokalensemble & Erik Westberg
Album Info
Album Veröffentlichung:
Label: Swedish Society
Genre: Classical
Subgenre: Choral
Interpret: Erik Westberg Vokalensemble & Erik Westberg
Komponist: Staffan Storm (1964)
Das Album enthält Albumcover
- Staffan Storm (b. 1964): Nachtregen:
- 1 Storm: Nachtregen 09:47
- Aspects of Snow:
- 2 Storm: Aspects of Snow: At Tago Bay 02:09
- 3 Storm: Aspects of Snow: In the early light 02:13
- 4 Storm: Aspects of Snow: I look out and snow is falling 03:17
- Seelenherbst:
- 5 Storm: Seelenherbst: Frühlingsgruß 05:48
- 6 Storm: Seelenherbst: Die Mondesbrücke 04:29
- 7 Storm: Seelenherbst: Stille Frage 03:45
- 8 Storm: Seelenherbst: Am Rheine 06:23
- 9 Storm: Seelenherbst: Herbstlied 07:46
- Långt i försvunna tider:
- 10 Storm: Långt i försvunna tider: Stjärnöga 02:53
- 11 Storm: Långt i försvunna tider: Flickan knyter i Johannenatten 02:36
- 12 Storm: Långt i försvunna tider: Vore jag ett litet barn 03:04
Info zu Staffan Storm - Choral Works
Dieses Album präsentiert erstmals eine größere Auswahl der Chormusik von Staffan Storm. Es ist das Ergebnis einer langjährigen Zusammenarbeit mit Erik Westberg und seinem Vokalensemble, die regelmäßig neue Musik von Storm aufführen und in Auftrag geben. Die Suite "Aspects of Snow" basiert auf alten japanischen Gedichten und hat sich in kurzer Zeit als Chor-Klassiker etabliert, der in ganz Schweden und international aufgeführt wird. "Seelenherbst" für gemischten Chor und Schlagzeug basiert auf Gedichten von Luise Büchner (die Schwester Georg Büchners). "Nachtregen" für Solobratsche und Chor vertont zwei Gedichte von Else Lasker-Schüler. "Langt i forsvunna tider" (Weit in vergangenen Zeiten) geht auf drei Lieder von Wilhelm Stenhammar zurück. Das schwedische Radio gab das Werk zum 150. Geburtstag von Stenhammar im Jahr 2021 in Auftrag und der Schwedische Rundfunkchor führte es unter der Leitung von Erik Westberg erstmals auf. Der Komponist Staffan Storm kann auf eine umfangreiche Liste von Werken zurückblicken, die von Solo- und Kammermusik bis hin zu Orchesterwerken und Opern reicht. Storms Musik wurde mit mehreren Preisen ausgezeichnet, darunter dem Preis der Saltö-Järnåker-Stiftung und dem Preis der schwedischen Musikverlage. Das Erik Westberg Vokalensemble wurde 1993 gegründet und besteht aus 16 bis 20 Sängern. Das Ensemble hat über 60 Stücke in Auftrag gegeben und uraufgeführt. Der Dirigent Erik Westberg war Leiter zahlreicher Chöre, darunter der Oslo Philharmonic Choir und der Schwedische Jugendchor sowie Gastdirigent des Schwedischen Rundfunkchors.
The Erik Westberg Vocal Ensemble
Erik Westberg, Dirigent
The Erik Westberg Vocal Ensemble
was formed in 1993 and consists of 16–20 singers. The members of the Ensemble work as soloists, church musicians and music teachers and come from northern Sweden and Finland. The Ensemble has commissioned and premiered about 60 works by composers such as Gunnar Eriksson, Paula af Malmborg Ward, Tebogo Monnakgotla, Jan Sandström, Sven-David Sandström, Carl Unander Scharin and Arvo Pärt.
The Swedish Broadcasting Corporation has, in close collaboration with the Ensemble, sent several live performances, both in Sweden and throughout Europe.
In 1996, the Ensemble’s first CD Musica Sacra was released on the Opus3 label. The Ensemble’s first collaboration with Studio Acusticum Records in 2010 resulted in the triple album Pater Caelestis – Terra Mater – Vox Humana. Since then, the Ensemble has had a good 15 CDs and phonograms issued by the record companies Opus3, Studio Acusticum Records and Naxos. Vita Nuova, featuring Swedish choral music, was rated ”world class” by the music magazine OPUS. In 2018, the album Amor Vita Mors was released on streaming services, accompanied by a 60-page physical book with programme notes. Recent releases include the innovative cooperation with violist Kim Hellgren and composers Johannes Pollak and Staffan Storm (Voices of the Viola, 2019); Bach’s Mass in B Minor (released on vinyl in 2020); the world première recording of Swedish romantic composer Andreas Hallén’s Missa Solemnis from 1921 (2021); SÁPMI (2022) in collaboration with Sami artist such as Frode Fjellheim and Katarina Barruk; and The Cloud of Unknowing.
The Ensemble has undertaken over 30 international tours to Europe, North and South America, Asia and Oceania. A particularly notable engagement was the project Choral Singing for Peace and Justice with a tour to Tonga and Samoa at the turn of the millennium, seen by more than 500 million TV viewers worldwide.
Erik Westberg
(b. 1956) studied choral conducting with Eric Ericson at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm 1976–1987.
He has been the leader of numerous choirs, including the YMCA Choir in Stockholm and the Oslo Philharmonic Choir, and he has also been guest conductor of the Swedish Radio Choir. Internationally, Erik Westberg has been engaged as guest conductor for Pro Coro Canada, Coro Nacional de España, Coro Sinfônica do Estado de São Paulo, and Jauna Muzika, Lithuania. He has also been Artist-in-Residence at Wollongong University, Australia. Since 2018 he is artistic director of the Swedish Youth Choir (Sveriges Ungdomskör).
His audio catalogue includes more than twenty recordings on the record labels Studio Acusticum Records, Opus3, Naxos, and Caprice, several of which have received excellent reviews. Erik Westberg received the Johannes Norrby-Medallion in 1993 and the Culture Prize of the Year from the newspaper Norrländska Socialdemokraten in 1997. In 1999 he was elected Choral Conductor of the Year by KÖRSAM (The Federation of Swedish Choir Associations) and received the Culture Prize of the Year from the Municipality of Piteå in 2002.
In 2006 Erik Westberg was presented with His Majesty the King’s Medal of the Eighth Size with the ribbon of the Order of the Seraphim “for significant achievements in Swedish Musical Life”. In 2016 he was awarded the Grant of Honour and Merit of Norrbotten County.
He has been a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music since 2008 and Professor of Choral Conducting and Choral Singing at the School of Music at Luleå University of Technology since 2003.
Dieses Album enthält kein Booklet