Sasha Matson
Biographie Sasha Matson
Sasha Matson
spent his formative years in Berkeley, California, where his father taught philosophy at the University of California. He received a Bachelors Degree in Composition from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, studying with composers Elinor Armer, John Adams, and Andrew Imbrie. Moving to Los Angeles, Sasha wrote musical scores for a dozen dramatic feature films and other media, and received the Ph.D. in Music Composition and Theory from UCLA. Recordings of his work, in collaboration with audiophile producers Joe Harley and John Atkinson, have been released on the AudioQuest, New Albion, Albany/Troy, and Stereophile record labels. “Cooperstown – Jazz Opera in Nine Innings” premiered at the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 2007. Sasha writes about audio and music, and is currently a Contributing Editor for Stereophile magazine. Sasha has taught at LaGrange College, Long Island University, and The State University of New York. Sasha currently divides his time between Cooperstown and New York City.