Marcus Eley

Biographie Marcus Eley

Marcus Eley
a graduate of the Indiana University School of Music in clarinet, also studied at the Hochschule fuer Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna, Austria. Eley has performed as a soloist with the Berlin Symphony Orchestra (Germany), the Louisville Orchestra, the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, the Edmonton (Canada) Wind Sinfonia and the National Army Military Band of the People's Republic of China (Beijing). He has also given numerous recitals in major cities of the United States. On his New York debut recital in Weill Recital Hall, The New York Times cited his performance as ", songful, and straightforward." As a special honor, Eley was chosen to perform on the Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concert Series in Chicago and Los Angeles.

In 1991, Eley traveled to China for the United States Information Agency to present lectures and performances on African-American contributions to American music. In that same year, Eley performed on the first recital series of the "Foundation for American Musicians in Europe", a joint project of the British-American Arts Associations and the United States Embassy in London. He has participated as guest artist at MusicFest Canada, Gateways Music Festival, the Elkhorn Music Festival (Idaho), the 1994, 1996 and 1999 International Clarinet Association conferences, the Clarinet and Saxophone conference in Brisbane, Australia, the Beijing (China) International Clarinet Festival and performed on radio broadcasts for KUSC (Los Angeles) and WFMT (Chicago), as well as Performance Today of National Public Radio, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), and Hungarian Television.

In addition to the aforementioned activities, Eley has given masterclasses and been a clinician at the Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic, California Music Educators Association, Florida Music Educators Association, Texas Bandmasters Association, Ontario Music Educators Association (Canada) and New York State Music Educators. In March 1998, Arabesque Recordings released Mr. Eley's debut Compact Disc, titled "Welcome Home, A Collection of Works by American Composers for Clarinet and Piano." Gregory Bartlett, CD reviewer for The Clarinet magazine said, "...(Eley) demonstrates fine technical prowess, expressively played." Mr. Eley has served as Dean of Students at the New England Conservatory of Music, Assistant Professor of Music (Clarinet) at California State University Los Angeles and Marketing Projects Specialist/Artist Relations for Rico International.

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